Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Finally, we have narrow our search down;
We will be describing how the equipment of all the different types of soldiers has evolve as a consequence of the discovery of new materials, or the modification in the methods used to obtain them.
We have divided the progress in 8 different groups. These are:

-Ancient: Includes tribal warriors from ancient Mesopotamia, ancient china, and all the pre-colombian mayor cultures i.e. Inca, Maya and Aztec.

-Greek and Roman: Includes the warriors from ancient Greece and Rome. Probably the most representative warriors are the greek hoplites and the roman legionaries.

-Medieval: Includes the fully armored medieval knights. The horses, even though they represent an important part of the war machinery, have been left aside for simplicity.

 -Independance and Napoleonic: Includes the warriors that were involved in independance wars in the americas, as well as in the napoleonic wars in europe.

-WWI: Typical American and Birtish troops (leaving aside tanks, war vehicles, planes, ships, etc..) during the first world war.

-WWII: Typical German  troops during the second world war, leaving aside any other war machinery.

-Vietnam: American troops during the vietnam war.

-Irak and Afganistan: American troops today.

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